Big Birthday Hugs for Kara

My sweet Granddaughter will celebrate a birthday in two weeks! This is the card I made for her.

This large Swallowtail Butterfly rubber stamp is one I bought from Stampin’ Up several years ago. Today’s Retro Rubber Challenge Blog says “Anything Goes”, as long as my rubber stamp is more than 1 year old.

I got the idea for this technique from a Jennifer McGuire YouTube today. Great fun to try! After using clear heat embossing power (twice) of the stamp on FSJ’s Beach Ball card stock, I used my finger to rub on some Craf-T Products metallic rub-ons. We have had these rubs for a lot of years and I forget about them.

“Hugs” was cut from a Waffle Flower die from shiny gold card stock. The words were heat embossed with gold detail powder right onto the card. The gold flat pearls I think are from Michael’s. I tried a few different ideas formatting and making the card base – ended up with matting with the same Beach Ball blue and pasting it the a SU River Rock card base.

This technique was fun and I really like the metallic look the different colors blended into.

It’s getting late and I’m about to go heat up some yummy leftovers for supper.

Thanks for stopping in!