Tiny Tot with a Braid

Her mommy did a sweet job of putting her hair up in a braid.  So tender and sweetly, she accommodated me with some photos.J_0170_Braid

I used a Splitcoast Stampers challenge to create this page.  The challenge is to go back to last January’s gallery and pick a page to scrap-lift.  I chose one by Lela. 010114_Stash14Jan1_by_Lmn copy Hopefully it is easy enough to see the resemblance, as the differences are obvious.  I have the three small photos vertical but overall placement is still fairly close.

Since Lela used lots of washi tape I jumped on that and used some.  Back when that stuff became the current crafting rage I had to have it too.  I probably have over 20 rolls and tried my best to add some that would sort of go with this page.  Granted that rooster doesn’t, but it is sweet and reminiscent of a gentle romantic time.  All papers are from old stash.  An interesting note about that solid pink base: it is the flip side of a patterned paper, and I had cut a 2 x 4 inch piece off the end of it.  After evening it up, I cut into the paper about two inches.  Then I took a 2 and a half strip of the pink hearts pattern and taped it on the two sides of the solid, making a complete 12 by 12 inch base.  The diagonal stripe strip is the reverse of the hearts print.  I struggled with finding enough pinks, as pink isn’t popular among my collection of papers.  So many of the layouts that I have scrapped of Tiny Tot have not been pink.  Here, I wanted to go with the accent of the pink in her shirt.  Instead of my usual blues or greens, and the yellows just didn’t work this time, I managed to come up with enough pinks.

The day was overcast but still enough light to have a shoot.  The bottom right photo is shot indoors.  My new camera is so nice because  of the ability to allow enough light in and work the shutter fast enough for a moving child.

Yes, January 3rd and wearing shorts and a tank top!

1 thought on “Tiny Tot with a Braid

  1. Great LO. I like how you scrap lifted Lela, but made it your own. Adorable photos to scrap, too! Thanks for playing in the January Scraplift Challenge.

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